Artifact Design Rubric - Package

  • Categorize visual communication effects in affective, cognitive and psychomotor responses,
  • assess the influence of typestyles on messages,
  • identify primary forms of contrast in composition and layout design and execute applications in your own original media design,
  • identify and execute compositional forces of framing, vectors, motion, in visual design,
  • explain and apply to your own original media design Gestalt principles,
  • create and produce effectively designed media in your choice of domains including packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, print, motion and still imaging,
  • critique and evaluate visual communication design in all domains.

Point Value: 200

Activity Description
Choose from one of the visual communication design domains (packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, motion picture, or print) and create an artifact using the concepts and principles discussed in class and labs. The artifact should reflect a specific communication objective. Present the campaign to the class using technical integration.


1. The designer created a three dimensional representation of a product package.
100 Points

Beginner (0-60) Developing (61-80) Accomplished (81-100)

2. The package incorporates the identity logo, an appropriate typestyle and compositional principles.
40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

3. The package design is a product of design principles appropriate to the communication objectives of the piece and/or campaign. Five panels of design should be included. 40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

4. The package is represented within the overall campaign in panel layout.
20 Points

Below Expectation (0-10) Satisfactory (11-15) Exemplary (16-20)

Artifact Design Rubric - Ad Layout

  • Categorize visual communication effects in affective, cognitive and psychomotor responses,
  • assess the influence of typestyles on messages,
  • identify primary forms of contrast in composition and layout design and execute applications in your own original media design,
  • identify and execute compositional forces of framing, vectors, motion, in visual design,
  • explain and apply to your own original media design Gestalt principles,
  • create and produce effectively designed media in your choice of domains including packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, print, motion and still imaging,
  • critique and evaluate visual communication design in all domains.

Point Value: 200

Activity Description
Choose from one of the visual communication design domains (packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, motion picture, or print) and create an artifact using the concepts and principles discussed in class and labs. The artifact should reflect a specific communication objective. Present the campaign to the class using technical integration.


1. The designer created an ad layout for print, public display such as a billboard or bus stop poster.
100 Points

Beginner (0-60) Developing (61-80) Accomplished (81-100)

2. The layout incorporates identity logo,  an appropriate typestyle and compositional principles.
40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

3. The layout is a product of design principles appropriate to the communication objectives of the campaign. 40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

4. The layout or the layout theme is included in other artifacts involved in the campaign including the website or Facebook landing page.
20 Points

Below Expectation (0-10) Satisfactory (11-15) Exemplary (16-20)

Artifact Design Rubric - :30 Spot

  • Categorize visual communication effects in affective, cognitive and psychomotor responses,
  • assess the influence of typestyles on messages,
  • identify primary forms of contrast in composition and layout design and execute applications in your own original media design,
  • identify and execute compositional forces of framing, vectors, motion, in visual design,
  • explain and apply to your own original media design Gestalt principles,
  • create and produce effectively designed media in your choice of domains including packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, print, motion and still imaging,
  • critique and evaluate visual communication design in all domains.

Point Value: 200

Activity Description
Choose from one of the visual communication design domains (packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, motion picture, or print) and create an artifact using the concepts and principles discussed in class and labs. The artifact should reflect a specific communication objective. Present the campaign to the class using technical integration.


1. The designer created a :30 commercial represented either in artistic storyboard form or an actual spot uploaded to YouTube.
100 Points

Beginner (0-60) Developing (61-80) Accomplished (81-100)

2. The commercial incorporates the identity of a logo, and appropriate typestyle and/or compositional principles consistent with communication objectives.
40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

3. The commercial is a product of design principles appropriate to the communication objectives of the  campaign. 40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

4. The commercial is integrated into the Facebook landing page of the campaign.
20 Points

Below Expectation (0-10) Satisfactory (11-15) Exemplary (16-20)

Artifact Design Rubric - Logo

  • Categorize visual communication effects in affective, cognitive and psychomotor responses,
  • assess the influence of typestyles on messages,
  • identify primary forms of contrast in composition and layout design and execute applications in your own original media design,
  • identify and execute compositional forces of framing, vectors, motion, in visual design,
  • explain and apply to your own original media design Gestalt principles,
  • create and produce effectively designed media in your choice of domains including packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, print, motion and still imaging,
  • critique and evaluate visual communication design in all domains.

Point Value: 200

Activity Description
Choose from one of the visual communication design domains (packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, motion picture, or print) and create an artifact using the concepts and principles discussed in class and labs. The artifact should reflect a specific communication objective. Present the campaign to the class using technical integration.


1. The designer created a logo consistent with the campaign's identity objectives. 
100 Points

Beginner (0-60) Developing (61-80) Accomplished (81-100)

2. The logo incorporates an appropriate typestyle, pantone color identification and compositional principles consistent with identity objectives.
40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

3. The logo is a product of design principles appropriate for use in all campaign design artifacts. 
40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

4. The logo has significance in meaning for identity, is self-contained and readily recognized within the campaign.
20 Points

Below Expectation (0-10) Satisfactory (11-15) Exemplary (16-20)

Artifact Design Rubric - Website

  • Categorize visual communication effects in affective, cognitive and psychomotor responses,
  • assess the influence of typestyles on messages,
  • identify primary forms of contrast in composition and layout design and execute applications in your own original media design,
  • identify and execute compositional forces of framing, vectors, motion, in visual design,
  • explain and apply to your own original media design Gestalt principles,
  • create and produce effectively designed media in your choice of domains including packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, print, motion and still imaging,
  • critique and evaluate visual communication design in all domains.

Point Value: 200

Activity Description
Choose from one of the visual communication design domains (packaging, collateral, exhibit, converged media, identity, motion picture, or print) and create an artifact using the concepts and principles discussed in class and labs. The artifact should reflect a specific communication objective. Present the campaign to the class using technical integration.


1. The designer created a website using either a template or designing using HTML. 
100 Points

Beginner (0-60) Developing (61-80) Accomplished (81-100)

2. The website incorporates a brand identity and an appropriate typestyle and compositional principles consistent with the overall campaign.
40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

3. The website is a product of design principles appropriate to the communication objectives of the campaign specifically targeting Internet audiences. 40 Points

Beginner (0-20) Developing (21-30) Accomplished (31-40)

4. The website consists of at least landing page with a secondary menu that is linked to a Facebook page.
20 Points

Below Expectation (0-10) Satisfactory (11-15) Exemplary (16-20)

Rules and Context

"Among the more counterintuitive characteristics of art and design is the fact that these endeavors are governed by rules. The rules of artistry (and therefore design) are inviolate and unchanging. If you don’t obey the rules, your results will be boring, uninspiring, uncommunicative, and less than compelling. In short: poor art or poor design."

Andy Rutledge

Masculine ou Feminine?